1. Air pressure in the pipette resulted in the spilling of my chemicals-had to start the chem exp all over again.
2. My exp screwed up without any reason. Weird titration values-had to ''borrow'' my friends chemicals to obtain a more accurate titration values.
3. Nearly can't finish my chem report-just barely to pass up during the last minute of the period.
4. Lost rm50 in the form of a ticket- just saw the ticket a moment ago during the day.
5. Lost ticket, lost companion-my sis can't accompany me the Hill Song concert.
6. Lost companion, lost mood to go-had to go all alone.
7. Cant find any decent place to have dinner at the place where the concert was held-had to walk 15 minutes to reach a mamak.
8. Eardrum nearly burst through all that shouts from the voices of ''chungzens'' in the concert.
9. Handphone out of battery-no public phone nearby-cant call my brother when it's time to go home.
10. Broke up with my girlfriend as i reached home.
Well, it's bad luck enough to experience 9 out of the 10 listed in just ONE day. And there may be even more that i had forgotten..
But when one is in the pit of hell, there is always a dull light shining from somewhere, lifting you up from the scorch of the unluckiness-if you would only looked at things in a different angle, and would take a step out of the pit.
1. The chemicals spilled, but AT LEAST i didnt break the apparatus-or marks would then be deducted.
2. I had good and unselfish friends who will be there when i need them, willing to share and not ''kiasus' who will enjoy seeing you screwed up and end up with a failure.
3. Better late than never. It wont affect my marks by passing it just a second before the lecturer leave.
4. Thank God i didnt lose both, tickets or it will be rm100.
5. Saw my cf friends there and they welcomed me to join them.
6. Got to do some exercises by walking the far distance and got to burn some calories and lipids.
7. No one could listen to my terrible singing and i could shout as loud as i want without bothering anyone.
8. Felt the strong presence of God in the concert and was annointed with the Holy Spirit.
9. Managed to find my brother's car in the end and got home safe and sound.
So, after all the ratio of the bad VS good is 9:10. Not a very bad day after all, huh? It's how you see things.
Even if i had REALLY broke up with my girlfriends, the consolation is i can now watch 2 movies with the price of one, and got to save up time from the crazy shopping, wont have to finish up her leftovers while she is on diet, wont have to listen to her whining and endure her mood change while she is having her menstruation and... Well, the list never stops!! Amen i am SINGLE!!!! haha.. no offense to you girls..