Saturday, May 31, 2008

Blessings in The Midst of Misfortunes

Well, i had quite a terrible but also blessed day on wed, 28/5/2008. Hate and also love the day. Let me first mention some of the bad experiences that happened since the start of the day.

1. Air pressure in the pipette resulted in the spilling of my chemicals-had to start the chem exp all over again.

2. My exp screwed up without any reason. Weird titration values-had to ''borrow'' my friends chemicals to obtain a more accurate titration values.

3. Nearly can't finish my chem report-just barely to pass up during the last minute of the period.

4. Lost rm50 in the form of a ticket- just saw the ticket a moment ago during the day.

5. Lost ticket, lost companion-my sis can't accompany me the Hill Song concert.

6. Lost companion, lost mood to go-had to go all alone.

7. Cant find any decent place to have dinner at the place where the concert was held-had to walk 15 minutes to reach a mamak.

8. Eardrum nearly burst through all that shouts from the voices of ''chungzens'' in the concert.

9. Handphone out of battery-no public phone nearby-cant call my brother when it's time to go home.

10. Broke up with my girlfriend as i reached home.

Well, it's bad luck enough to experience 9 out of the 10 listed in just ONE day. And there may be even more that i had forgotten..

But when one is in the pit of hell, there is always a dull light shining from somewhere, lifting you up from the scorch of the unluckiness-if you would only looked at things in a different angle, and would take a step out of the pit.

1. The chemicals spilled, but AT LEAST i didnt break the apparatus-or marks would then be deducted.

2. I had good and unselfish friends who will be there when i need them, willing to share and not ''kiasus' who will enjoy seeing you screwed up and end up with a failure.

3. Better late than never. It wont affect my marks by passing it just a second before the lecturer leave.

4. Thank God i didnt lose both, tickets or it will be rm100.

5. Saw my cf friends there and they welcomed me to join them.

6. Got to do some exercises by walking the far distance and got to burn some calories and lipids.

7. No one could listen to my terrible singing and i could shout as loud as i want without bothering anyone.

8. Felt the strong presence of God in the concert and was annointed with the Holy Spirit.

9. Managed to find my brother's car in the end and got home safe and sound.

10. I know God is always with me and no matter what trouble i face, i CAN endure it!!!

So, after all the ratio of the bad VS good is 9:10. Not a very bad day after all, huh? It's how you see things.

Even if i had REALLY broke up with my girlfriends, the consolation is i can now watch 2 movies with the price of one, and got to save up time from the crazy shopping, wont have to finish up her leftovers while she is on diet, wont have to listen to her whining and endure her mood change while she is having her menstruation and... Well, the list never stops!! Amen i am SINGLE!!!! haha.. no offense to you girls..

Saturday, May 24, 2008

College VS Secondary

Well, believe it or not, it has been 3 weeks since that alarm clock of mine (which happens to be my hp) rang at 7 am sharp every morning (exludes weekends of coz). Its feels so nostalgic, as i drift my mind off into my secondary life, when i have to wake up at 6.30am, then toilet, milo, and school.....

It's a mystery itself how my own biological clock will trigger my brain cells up once it reaches 6.30 at that time without the need of the ''kwok choi mui fat kei~~'' (i guess all of you knew i am a half banana. soo.. that's that i heard as it rang) song sang by Janice.

Right now?? I can barely wake up without needing to lie down for another 10 min before i decide to jump down the double decker bed (there is no stairs-thank God i am not that short. lol)

How is college life compared to secondary school life?? The major difference is.... I CAN ALWAYS EATTTT MY NASI LEMAK IN FRONT OF THE LECTURER!!!! haha.. (However, since i am no longer living with my aunty. its a mini size nasi lemak, compared to what i used to bring to school)

As a A-level student, my schedule is more packed than students with other programs, and my classes continue on for 6-8 hours, without a free period to rest like how it was in secondary school!!! Thankfully, they are not that cruel. as the lecturers give a break of 10 min every hour. (But..not enough time to even buy the food..) is B-O-R-I-N-G after college. Being a shy, passive, untalkative, not-social-able, introvert kind of person, i am always alone..... lonely~~i am mr lonelyyyyy~~i have nobody~~~ sob sob... Nobody wants to friend me... sob sob.. Haha... I will normally go to library, and then after it closes, off to the reading room which opens till 2am.

Well, i know. I HAVE NO LIFE. but.. since i dont have a personal laptop, and my miny room has no place for a dekstop, and since i am a mr lonely~~ i have no other choice. Ar least i can use the computer in the library till 9.

Why didnt i get a laptop like ALL the others did? Hmpph.. A good qs. 3 reasons.

1. i love msn
2. i LOVE msn

haha.. so, i will have no time to do my assignments. =)

no-lah, since i am certainly not from a very rich family background, and college life in Subang is certainly.. LUXURIOUS and EXPENSIVE, i dont want to burden my family any further with a laptop. which i will only use for personal satisfaction. (Am i not such a good boy and son?? haha..)

So, thats basically the summary of my college life. Eat alone, study alone, walk alone, toilet alone etc alone. sob sob...


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Missing In Action

Well, if you have been travelling this vagabond's journey since the beginning, you would have realized that there are times when there are ''missing'' posts in between. Hmpph.... Isnt it interesting and a mystery how one would realize the absence of the ''missing'' posts if i HAD NOT even post it in my blog??

The answer lies within the depth of your interest towards my blog, and certainly a great (actually, not would have noticed even if you are absent minded but had read every single word on every posts) deductive skill like sherlock holmes is needed.

Speaking of him, let me include my most favourite IQ qs (basically, its mainly because its the only IQ qs i can actually remember.. and with logical answer...) which requires high IQ (isnt it obvious?? lol) first, before i continue.

Why is it that Sherlock Holmes never have to pay tax??

i have 2 reasons to include this IQ qs in this post.

1. To test your intelligence.

2. To conduct a survey on how many of you (i remember every single person who knows the existence of my blog, mind you) do visit my blog frequently and of course, read every single word i typed.

So, for those of you reading this, pls make a wild guess or whatsoever in the chatbox provided and if you answer the qs correctly, what awaits you will be......


Isnt that marvelous? hahaha... just joking. =)

SO, back to the main topic, bout my ''missing'' posts. Those are actually the posts i promised in my earlier post. I said i will post bout them, but in the end... something happened.. and i am compelled to blog bout other things rather than the posts i promised... =(

For eg. Remember bout the post bout Mother's Day?? Titled ''Its the thought that counts''??
Try to refresh your memory and remember back my last sentence. If you cant remember, i would appreciate it if you would take the trouble to reread it. At least the last sentence.

So.. those are the ''missing'' posts. Ermm... i am not too sure myself whether i will post those ''Missing' posts. It depend whether this post will lead to another ''missing'' post or not. If yes, seems like the ''missing'' posts are accumulating.. haha...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Once Upon A Time In China....

Well, let me share a story. It did not happen a long, long time ago, nor in a faraway country. and it involved nobody of the noble blood or the magical kinds. Just another dull story of mine, a fragment of my life.

As i was in the room of the hostel manager, getting my room keys, she asked me to sit down in a stern face, and in a puzzled look, i sat. "Erm... here is the key for your room... but perhaps.. maybe.. you will want to change room.. after hearing this... "

"Actually.. in that room.....

''NOP!! There is no such thing!! (Even if got i also wont tell you lah....) Actually one of your roommate is a china boy and.. the other day, he went to the apartment... and... he dont KNOW how to unlock a door in malaysia, and he broke the door handle. Now it cant be locked... And.."

she begins to whisper in a soft voice now...

" heee is actually quitee violent!!!!!!"

want to have a look at the picture??

Sorry.. wrong pic.. haha...

Anyway, what she said that day didnt haunt me for nights for fear of lost belongings as i reacted in a normal way anyone else would have done. I changed room straight away... And after that, i began telling many bout this.. and guess what my sis replied?

"You should NOT have done so!!! Isnt it a bit too cruel to judge so early!!!! WHO knows?? Maybe you will be able to change him??!!! "

I was like.. ermmmm....

Maybe she is right. One can be changed by mixing with the right company. And who might it be if its not me?? haha... I am so perasan wei....

But there is a PROBLEM. How to communicate with him??? Body language??? I am even now have a huge problem communicating with my current mandarin speaking roommates.. -_-

(No offense.. pls... if you are a china man....)

My punishment???

Well, i am now a student... and since my college is not that near to my house and i dont have a car myself, i decided to move into the hostel provided by the college, called the My Place apartment.

I moved in there 2 weeks ago... and even on the first night itself, a veryyy ermmm.... idiotic incident happened.. due to my ''smartness''. On the 4th of May, 9.30 pm, my bro and mom helped me to bring all my stuff into the room, and then we cleaned the dirty room and packed my stuff.

Since i havent seen all my roommates and i dont know what type of person they are, i bought a lock to lock the locker, which i put my valuable stuffs and my clothings. It was a new one, and as my bro looked on, i put the keys in my camera case.

"You not scared you will forget and then lock it inside the locker itself ah?" my bro said.

"No worry. I so Tai tau har 1 meh? I will sure remember one." i answered.




i packed the remaining stuff, and ... as you could have guessed by now, i put my camera into my bag, and the bag was thrown into the locker, and "click". The locker was locked.....

It was only a few seconds later that i remembered!!! ''Oh my goodness!! Is this happening on the first day itself?? All my suff are there!! What am i going to wear!!!!" i was beginning to feel nervous. (Thankfully, my roommate didnt come back that night, or he would have laughed in sarcasm, reminding me of what my bro told me.

Haha.... Then how did i manage to get the key out??

With my brute strength, ''POOONNNGG'' goes the sound of the locker door being smash, was what i intended to do, but... i would then have to pay for it. hmpphh.. then there goes my brain matter being utilised for its usefullness. SInce the locker itself is already quite old, i tried to apply some force and create an opening from the door itself.

This is the locker.

As i created a small opening from the bottom, i began trying to get my camera out... And after 10 minues or so... i made it!!! haiz... haha.. As a result... i bent the door a bit. opps!! sorryyy. accident do happens on the most regulated times isnt it?? (My sister teased me of having the same aggresiveness as The CHina man.... -_- )

(by the way.. my bro laughed at me that night....)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Its the Thought that Counts...

''Mommmyyy, i WANNTTT itttt!!!!!''...

''Milk, milkk, millkk, miillkk, MMIILLKK!!!!!''

''Wahhhhhh!!!! I donttt wanttt to do house choressss!!!!!''


''Mind your own business, get losstt''

''Mommy dear, come here for a moment purlease? i want to tell you how much i love you. Soo.. love me back with an unlimited credit card??''

Does some of these incidents remind you of how you and me had taken advantage of the love our dear moms hold for us in their hearts?? You are certainly lying if you said you had not broken your mom's heart into pieces before by the words you say or the things you do.

All moms are the same- loving and should i say.. Sensitive?? They take everything we do and words we say SERIOUSLY. (well.. maybe not all.. at least 90%? coz.. look at all those ''mothers'' who flush their children into toilet bowls or dumped them into dustbin)

SO.. What have you gotten for your mother? A bouquet of roses? A card? A dress?? or.. perhaps.. nothing??? Well, to say the truth, all mothers want just one thing. Your LOVE. You could have kissed her on the cheek and tell her how much you love her, and spend the whole day shopping with her, and she will be much happier than if you had bought 99 roses worth rm1000 for her and went out shopping with your bf/gf instead of her.

Then.. What have i got for my mother and also mom?? Well.. i didnt specifically buy anything. For my real mom, all of us went for a luxurious dinner on friday (she got work even on sunday) and i paid some for it. Moreover, i bought a card and spend a few hours writing the card.

Why would i want such longg time? Well.. Due to poverty, my mom learnt only chinese education during her childhood, and so, all of you should know that chinese is as foreign to me as a fish to the desert (i know its a lame comparison.. but.. as long as you get the meaning..)

Besides the numbers, i can barely write more than 5 chinese charaters. Initially, i intended to do the same thing i did few years ago. Write the Card in english first, and then translate one word by one word using an english-chinese dictionary. Those of you who knows chinese should know this will not result in real sentences. The words will all be jumbled up and the the sentence will be incomprehensible.

Then.. my saviour came at last!! My 'singaporean' friend who happened to know chinese signed in online and i am sooooo grateful for her help!!! She typed for me and then i just copied into the card. Of course, this means that she knew the whole embarassing content of the card too. hahaha.. And purlleaaase!! YOU!! YES!! YOU!! SINGAPORE GIRL!! YOU REVEAL THE CONTENTS AND YOU WILL BE....!!!!!!!

Consequently, my mom is on cloud nine!! She is soooo happy!!! She even say she will like frame it so the next time she might want to scold me, she will stop when she sees the card. hahah...

then.. my god-mother. look forward towards the next post.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Ashamed of being ashame...

Are all of you proud of where you were from? To tell others bout YOURSELF?? Ok, lets not be too dramatic here. Let's talk only bout school. TO say the truth, i am NEVER too proud of my school- SMK Sri Permata-, FORMERLY ( MEANING.. NOW NO MORE!!! TAKE NOTE!!!) known as SEAPORT- the gangster school.

''SRI PERMATA?? never heard before.. A new school??''

'' You heard of SEAPORT??''


and by the look at their faces, its never too hard to guess what's in their current mind.

Maybe.. that's what traumatised me to utter the words ''Sri permata'' to my friends.

WEll.. you know how everyone starts their friendship with other... FIrst, a hi, then, introduction, and then start of by becoming acquaintances...

so, once started college, hi here hi there, and when they actually asked me which school i was from...

sadly.... my reply was , ''You wouldnt know it even if i tell you. It a school is ss3.''

then they will either oh, or if they asked further, i had no choice but to tell them. But like what i predicted, they really never heard of it. BUt surprisingly, (r maybe this is a good news)they have not heard of sea port either.

Why is this a good news? It is because it seems that the old and nasty reputation is slowly diminishing. But... having students like me, how can the school's name firstly be known??

Its not that i hate the school, i love it. But.. well.. seems like i will need to learn to be proud of my school. if you are
FREE, please just have a look at this link, and AT LEAST remember my school's name.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


A new beginning. That's what i desire right now. In a blink of an eye. it's may. And soon enough, it will be June, and then, in a snap of a finger, it's 2009.

One word. "wow". It's been 5 whole months since my status as a student had been disabled and had rather been a slacker. But, as the title itself state, i Am and Will be, undergo a New stage of life. I will be reborn.. Both as a mortal and also a blogger.

This 'cocoon' surrounding me these whole while will soon be eradicated... And behold, a new David Lee arises...