Tuesday, June 17, 2008



So, after reading part 1, you may think that you can just sit down, relax, have a cup of teh tarik while waiting for the ''durian'' to fall off from the tree like what Isaac Newton did hundreds of years ago. (westerners cant stand the smell, so he chose to be under an apple tree instead)

But, as childish as you may be, I perceive that you already knew that a durian tree will never appear out of nowhere without first planting and nourishing the tree with love and care. Have You ever heard of Newton's third and a half law?

''In every effort there will be ramification of an equal and productive outgrowth''

In other word, it means that there is no free things in this world!! Including the 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit!!

You may be lost and puzzled, uncertain of the things you should do.

Actually, it's very simple. God wants not your money, your PS2, your computer, your wife, your ANYTHING but He just wants your attention. Then, He will be more than willing to bestow the Fruits unto your inner spirit.

After all, we are the image of God, and we reflect His character and righteousness in what we do and say. Therefore, He is more anxious and excited in giving us the Fruits more than we ever wanted it.

However, He is God. We must somehow ''proof'' that we deserve and desire itbeforehand. We need to work and toil for it in His ways. So how??

-By Loving Him (back).-

It's as simple as that.

I know we can never love Him back as how He loves us, but, He still want His name to be found in the top of the list, instead of our GF(s) or BF(s)' names. Before i continue, let me ask you a qs. Have you ever been in love before? Do you still remember your first sweet love? Since you can't possibly answer before i go on, allow me to introduce this scenario into the story.

Just imagine that you are in love with this guy or girl who seems to be the perfect match for you. Flowers blossom and stars twinkling, you are at the top of the world, and you screamed your lung out, ''EUREKA!!! I FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!''

You could spend hours just by staring at her/his eyes, and her/his smiling face bedazzled you 24/7. She/he wrote a love letter for you, with just a word ''hello'' and you treasure it above all things, rereading and rereading it all over again, whilst keeping it out or people's reach by safeguarding it in your underwear.

Well, that is how God wants us to show our love to Him. By seeking Him day and night, and be in your thought 24/7. His love letter for you is the Bible, though He wont want you to keep it in your underwear-it will appear bulky.

How many of us really do enjoy reading the Bible? How many of us immerse ourselves into communicating with God throughout our days? How many of us can thus say, ''I love you, God!!''?

i comprehend that some of you may debate this matter.

''Do you expect me to shut myself in the room the whole day to pray at all time???!!!''

Well, the answer is YOU DONT HAVE TO!! After all, i am not telling you to isolate yourself 24/7 in the room, close your eyes, surge your strength till veins become visible whilst muttering amen,amen,amen,amen,amen,amen..............AMENNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!

Dont you know that God is everywhere?? He is omnipotent and omnipresent!!!! He says hello to you while you are in the class, while driving and even while you are doing your ''business'' in the toilet, He says, ''Hey, it's not hygienic for not using tissue!!!''

To cut the story short, start spending time with God today!! After all, He is always there!!

(PS-i may had been out of the topic already, but...i guess it's still connected in some way or the other... Sorry for any inconvenience caused =/)

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